Inhouse Projects and W.I.P
Super short teaser:
After the total, rapid and aggressive disassembly of Auster Timbals new neighbourhood, he was quick on his two feet again; running for the gate as always. As the triangular drones increased in numbers, nothing pointed to a decline in the current rate of destruction. He saw it best to get of the godforsaken rock altogether; back in orbit then he could slow down and think, maybe decide on a heading.
Before Noon…
Only 72 hours earlier he...
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The Bear Trap is a Hard Science Fiction transmedia project in early development. The narrative was initially intended to be told as an animated web distributed series and an online/mobile comic. This will be scaled down to text ( most likely more prosaic in nature than originally intended) and audio with short video clips (live or animated) for general seasoning. The platforms will explore different story-lines and other main characters within the same story-world.
The story of Bear Trap is...
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