Oddity is multidisciplinary production company focusing on Ideas, Design, Directing and Production.
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Evil jr.

Posted on 23rd February, by Oddity in motion. No comments yet

Finally! The first beta release of the yet unnamed game featuring Evil jr in his quest to revenge his father and reclaim the land of his ancestors and restore their former glory.

Main site for the game: Eviljr & the battle of Northia

Try it out here! http://games.oddity.se/Eviljr/

More info here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Evil-jr/863064373753376?ref=hl

A new game project that Mathias of Oddity helps bring to life with Gamedesigner Anders Mering.

He is using the tools of the trade to breach the city walls after that he will seek revenge on all the peasants in them. One by one the towns and cities will fall.


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