Category: Transmedia
1+1 = 3 = Transmedia & Crossmedia
28th March
Transmedia Storytelling is a term used more frequently and has become something of a favorite expression in Hollywood in recent years.
What the exact meaning of these words are is for some reason in constant discussion among “Media Academics” . Let´s not go there. Some might therefor disagree with my simplified explanation, but that’s OK.
In Transmedia Storytelling, we let the consumer / viewer follow a story across multiple media and platforms, traditional and new ones. One common route is to make one platform the main one and then creates additional layers of story around it. These layers could be parallel story lines, character studies and back-stories, exploration of the storyworld and it´s origin. Other ideas might be the gamification of certain themes, situations or characters and more participatory elements such as user-created content; be it drawings, written words or the creation and filming of sockpuppets.…
Examples of Transmedia Projects
3rd March
Here are some rabbit holes leading into Transmedialand. I will over time try to compile a small list of successful campaigns and projects; large and small.
The large ones are easier to spot so I will start with some of them ;-)
Happy browsing!
Large scale projects: